And just so you know how it turned out, here it is:

And here is an actual Vogue photo made of Sarah Palin:

I don't know about the rest of you, but I, personally am just thrilled that a 44 year old woman is considered "too young". And a mother of five has become the symbol of glamour and good looks the world over. And that Sarah Palin is also very intelligent, extremely talented, a marathon runner and a super Mom is just icing on the cake!!!
And now from a fellow blogger who actually attended the convention, a very cute article from a male perspective:
Alaska Governor Sarah Palin–Shock and Awe
Shock and Awe has just entered the 2008 Presidential campaign in the form of Arizona Senator John McCain choosing Alaska Governor Sarah
Palin as his Vice Presidential nominee.
The coldest state has brought America the hottest Governor.
The Tygrrrr Express arrived in Minneapolis, Minnesota, for the 2008 Republican Convention. The Chicago Cannonball is joining me just long enough to go to the great Mall of America. Then I will get down to the business of blogging from the 2008 version of “Repub Hub.” It will be a fabulous experience thanks to John McCain choosing the phenomenal Sarah Palin as his Vice Presidential Nominee.
First I would like to give credit to the news organizations that put out the headline that is bound to spawn a million jokes by the adolescent male population, of which I am often accused of being a part of. “McCain taps Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.” My desire not to have the Secret Service shut down my blog prevents me from commenting further, although she did make my list of the “Top 120 political yummy bouncies.”
As hot as she is, make no mistake about it. She is tough, smart, and a solid choice for Vice President based on her ability to govern effectively. Before offering some thoughts on Governor Palin, kudos need to be given out to John McCain. I have repeatedly stated that I am “often wrong, but never in doubt.” My advice to John McCain, which was never solicited or accepted, was that he go for the ultra safe choice.
My dream choice was Rudy Giuliani, but my realistic choice was Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty. Tall, good hair, and inoffensive…safe, boring, and not harmful. This is not John McCain. He took all of his poker chips and pushed them to the center of the table. He is now “all in.”
Perhaps a guy that spent 5 1/2 years as a POW is just not going to be afraid to take risks. Sarah Palin is the epitome of a riverboat gambler choice. It also might very well work.
cont. here:
Check out Virginia Postrel's take on Palin at
Eric nailed it. Great blog!
Go Sarah!!
McCain did an excellent job on choosing his running mate. She is exactly what America needs. I wouldn't be happier if her and McCain were voted into office.
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